Nearly one month after my fulltime step into self-employment as a consultant, and I am starting to find my way. Today, I am nearing the end of my longest stretch on the road to date: 11 consecutive days away from home. Luckily, I have been spending brief respites at my east coast office, otherwise known as Wild Loose. How can you not love this view?? HTC East, aka Wild Loose

The  peace and tranquility are just a small part of what makes this place so special. I was gifted with a desk this trip. My business partner repurposed an old table, found in that beautiful relic of a barn. It was awaiting my arrival last Sunday, complete with an office chair on the deck, looking out on the gardens and barn.

But, alas the view was brief, as we hit the road bright and early the very next day. All day in a private practice, followed by a trip to Skaneateles, NY. What a gorgeous little village! But, like with most of our trips, there was no time to explore. The drive however, was breathtaking as we traveled along this finger lake. One day at the Loose, then right back out to the airport. This time, New Orleans was our destination. I absolutely LOVE that city! I have a short list of places I might end up in three years, once my daughter graduates from college—New Orleans is at the top of that list right now. To have a warehouse loft in the Museum district….that’s right up my alley. We traveled more than 20 hours to spend less than 40 hours in New Orleans. One evening of dinner at Cochon—-to die for. More than six hours of teaching, meeting new people, and connecting with practice owners and managers from Houston and New Orleans—-that’s what we love to do. Well worth the trip!